Murder Mystery Mayhem

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Love Murder Mystery with your friends? 

Well, check out Murder Mystery Mayhem! Murder Mystery Mayhem is a 2 - 8 player Murder Mystery game but with a twist?! In a normal Murder Mystery there are 3 roles: Murderer who's goal is to kill everyone, Sherif who's goal is to kill the Murderer and save the Innocents and Innocent who's goal is to inform Sherif who the Murderer is and save gold for a bow to kill the Murderer with, now Murderer and Sherif are insanely fun to play but we can all agree here Innocent is pretty boring to play. So Murder Mystery Mayhem changes that by giving the Innocents 8 locations to earn money at and 5 things to purchase, these include: Throwing knives, a revolver, bullets, speed boost & jump boost! 

Get Murder Mystery Mayhem now and play with your friends! 


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Murder Mystery Mayhem Trailer:


Mystery Mansion Map:

Here are a few rooms in the Mystery Mansion:

The Kitchen

The Park

The Bedroom


How To Play Murder Mystery Mayhem:

When the game starts one player will be selected as the Murderer (whose goal is to eliminate everyone) and another will be selected as the Sherif (whose goal is to defend the Innocent and eliminate the Murderer), everyone else will be Innocents (their goal is to find the Murderer & inform the Sherif or save money and buy weapons to eliminate the Murderer!)

The Murderer Role:

Goal: Eliminate every player and be the last man standing!

The Sherif Role

Goal: Eliminate the Murderer and save all the Innocents!

The Innocent Role

Goal: Inform the sheriff who the Murderer is and buy weapons to fight the Murderer at the shop!


How The Shop Works In Murder Mystery Mayhem:

The shop in Murder Mystery Mayhem can be found easily on the first floor of the Mansion! Only Innocents can use it, they can buy stuff in the shop by standing on gold generators located across the map and waiting for money, then with the money they earned they can buy all sorts of things including weapons and effects!



Recently the "Science Lab" has been added to Murder Mystery Mayhem! The Science Lab is another shop that sells scientific technology! You can buy new gadgets such as: Jetpacks, Stealth Cloaks & Teleporters! I've added two new gadgets to the Science Lab: The Murderer Tracker and the Mystery Potion!

A new room has been added to the Mystery Mansion! "The Attic" has been added making the Mystery Mansion now three stories tall! 

How To Use The Gadgets:

Jetpack: Hold this item to fly

Stealth Cloak: Hold this item to turn almost invisible

Teleporter: Drop this item to teleport to a random location in the map

Murderer Tracker: Drop this item to detect how far away the Murderer is

Mystery Potion: Drink this potion to get a random effect


NOTE: This game is based on Hypixel's Murder Mystery. Murder Mystery Mayhem is NOT a copy of Hypixel's Murder Mystery but a remix.



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Murder Mystery Mayhem

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