How To Set Custom Logo In MCPE | Loading Screen | MCPE

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Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) is a popular mobile version of the iconic sandbox game, Minecraft. It allows players to explore and build in a blocky world on their smartphones and tablets. One of the many ways to personalize your Minecraft experience is by setting a custom logo for the loading screen in MCPE. This article will guide you through the process of doing just that.

Before we dive into the steps, it's important to note that setting a custom logo in MCPE requires some technical know-how and involves modifying game files. Proceed with caution and make sure to back up your game data before making any changes.

Step 1: Prepare the logo image

The first step is to prepare the logo image that you want to use for the loading screen in MCPE. Ideally, the image should be in PNG format and have dimensions of 1024x512 pixels for optimal results. You can use image editing software like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP to create or modify the logo to your liking.

Step 2: Locate the game files

Next, you need to locate the game files on your device. The file path may vary depending on your operating system and device. In most cases, you can find the game files in the following locations:

Android: /games/com.mojang/

iOS: /Applications/

Step 3: Access the resource pack folder

Within the game files, you'll find a folder named "resource_packs." This folder contains all the resource packs used by MCPE. Resource packs are collections of assets that can modify various aspects of the game, including textures, sounds, and even the loading screen logo.

Step 4: Create a new resource pack

To set a custom logo, you'll need to create a new resource pack specifically for this purpose. Create a new folder within the resource_packs folder and give it a descriptive name, such as "CustomLogoPack."

Step 5: Add the logo image

Copy and paste the logo image you prepared in Step 1 into the newly created resource pack folder. Make sure the image file is named "pack_icon.png" as this is the filename MCPE looks for when loading the logo.

Step 6: Modify the pack manifest

To ensure MCPE recognizes the new resource pack, you need to modify the pack manifest file. Open the resource pack folder and locate the "manifest.json" file. Open it with a text editor and make the following changes:

Replace the existing "pack_id" value with a unique identifier for your custom logo pack.

Update the "pack_name" and "pack_description" fields with appropriate values.

Save the changes and close the file.

Step 7: Apply the resource pack

Launch MCPE and go to the "Settings" menu. Select "Global Resources" and you should see your custom logo pack listed. Tap on it to enable the pack, and it will be applied to the game.

Step 8: Verify the custom logo

Exit the settings menu and restart the game. You should now see your custom logo displayed on the loading screen whenever you launch MCPE.

Congratulations! You have successfully set a custom logo for the loading screen in MCPE. Enjoy the personalized touch it brings to your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience.

Remember, modifying game files carries some risks, and it's important to exercise caution and make backups before making any changes. Additionally, be aware that updating the game or installing future resource packs may overwrite your custom logo. So, always keep a backup of your custom logo pack for easy reapplication.

Customizing your Minecraft experience allows you to put your own stamp on the game, making it feel even more unique and tailored to your preferences. With a custom logo on the loading screen, you can add a touch of personalization every time you launch MCPE. Happy crafting!



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Custom Logo In MCPE


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