Colorful Shaders BE Realistic Shader for Render Dragon

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Bored? Ever wondered how you can make your world colorful? Introducing Colorful Shader (1.19, 1.18), this pack gives you an opportunity to change the color of everything. Keep in mind that shaders are entirely different from the Minecraft texture packs, which alter the appearance of existing blocks and items within your world.


How to install:

  • To install and update the pack in the game, just delete the original version through Settings > Storage > Resource Packs, then double-click the new .mcpack file to have it automatically imported into your resource packs.
  • You can then apply the pack to your global resources and use it wherever you like! If you are using any Pack Addons, place them above the base resource pack!



click to begin



if you guys have any doubt please let me know.

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